
Project maintained by GreenCodeStudio Hosted on GitHub Pages — Theme by mattgraham


Packages are parts of project that can be reused in other websites. They are contained in Packages directory.

Packages are installed by git as git-submodules. It makes development easy (you can make changes in package and then push it to git repository when working on project that uses this package) and makes you independent from some authority that manages public repository (see npm left-pad incident).

How to install existing package

by cli

kivapi package install

Then enter url to git repository.

You can also list packages available in official repository

kivapi package listAvailable

How to create package

First, create any Kivapi project. Then inside ./Packages directory (if this directory don’t exist, create it) create new directory with your vendor name, and inside it create directory with package name. Each package name contains vendor name and package name, separated by slash, for example CoreLib/Gallery.

Inside package directory make new git repository:

git init

Inside this directory also create package.xml file.

Example of package.xml file:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
    <vendor>CoreLib</vendor><!-- need to be equal to directory name -->
    <name>Gallery</name><!-- need to be equal to directory name -->
        Simplest photo gallery <!-- description of package will be shown for example in panel -->
    </git> <!-- link to repository that this package can be downloaded -->

Then commit it and push to git. Your empty package is ready to be installed in other projects.

If you think that your package can be useful for others, you can make pull-request or issue to official repository which is in fact xml file in github repo.